Process and Quality

As much as a pioneer in the Tunisian agricultural market, Mabrouka set up an internal process of production, acclimatization and permanent control to provide to its customers innovating varieties having an irreproachable genetic and health plant potential.

Mabrouka innovates with the certification of the rootstocks and the citrus fruits seedlings as well as other products in the course of certification


So Mabrouka gives a detailed attention to the collaboration of others:

  • APIA (Agency of Promotion of the Agricultural Investments)
  • INRAT (Tunisian National Institute of Agricultural Research)
  • GIFruit(Interprofessional Grouping of the Fruits)
  • GIL (Interprofessional Grouping of Vegetables)
  • IO (Olive Institute)
  • INAT(National Agronomic Institute of Tunisia)
  • ISA - CM (Agronomic Higher Institute of Chott Mériem)
  • ESAM (Higher School of Agriculture of Mogran)
  • INRST(National Institute of Scientific and Technical Research)
  • INRGREF (National Institute of Research in Agricultural engineering National Forestry Commission)